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36 posts tagged with "swa"

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Β· 6 min read
Reshmi Sriram
Nitya Narasimhan

Hello there!!

The #30DaysOfSWA series embarks us on a quick and easy journey to learn about Azure Static Web Apps - from Core Concepts to Best Practices in just four weeks! The content is structured in a way that allows you to jumpstart or revisit the journey at any time! Here's a summary of what is covered and what you'll learn by taking this journey with us!! And stay tuned for a follow-up post a little later, where we'll share resources and next steps you can take, to keep skilling up.πŸš€

The #30DaysOfSWA Journey​

  • SWA Anniversary Highlights
  • Week 1: Core Concepts
  • Week 2: Usage Examples
  • Week 3: Developer Tools
  • Week 4: Best Practices
  • Our Amazing Contributors!
  • What's Next

Prelude - SWAanniversary and the birth of #30DaysOfSWA​

The #30DaysOfSWA blog series started off on Apr 30 with this post announcing the SWA Anniversary event, before kicking off the #30DaysOfSWA on May 1, then completing four themed weeks of content, publishing one new blog everyday. The intent of the series is to take a developer from zero to hero. You can find the entire roadmap here.

On 19th and 20th May, we celebrated the #SWAanniversary to commemorate a year of Static Web App's General Availability! It was a fun-and-engaging event featuring top community speakers, and the latest SWA feature demos!


On May 19th, we also witnessed a big announcement - the General Availability (GA) of SWA CLI!! Try out the SWA CLI, deploy your amazing Static Web Apps, and tell us about your experience!🌹

Watch this video to learn more about how this CLI streamlines your workflow from init to deploy.

And if you happened to miss the live stream, worry not! You can watch (and re-watch) the on-demand recordings of the event to catch up on key talks including:

Week 1: Core Concepts​

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Week 1 is the foundational week, focusing on what Azure Static Web Apps is, how to build, deploy, preview, customize APIs etc. This is where a Static Web App newbie earns the title of a "Successful SWA voyager"! Every blog comes with a cute little exercise at the bottom which gives a compact hands-on experience of using Static Web Apps πŸ˜„

The best part? Every blog has a visual narrative of what we cover, and some of them also feature video lessons! Do give us a shoutout if you (like us) are a firm believer of visual learning!❀️

To visit Week 1, or to start afresh - click here. πŸš€

Week 2: Usage Examples​

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Week 2 showcases a plethora of examples, from diverse front-end frameworks to popular static site generators and languages! The creators of these mind-blowing examples come forward to teach how we can easily replicate these on our end too! After all, what better way to learn than to get your hands dirty playing with them πŸ˜‰

Haven't tried them yet? Go for it right away!!! πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’»

Week 3: Developer Tools​

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Week 3 focuses on the plethora of partner tools and platforms available in the Azure ecosystem, which can empower your Static Web Apps to achieve more! Be it VSCode, Playwright, or Egde DevTools - we got you covered! As a bonus, we also talk about the enhanced dX (Developer Experience) for Azure DevOps🌟 as well as the ease-of-development straight outta your local devboxes with SWA CLIπŸͺ„

Go ahead and familiarize yourself with these dev-tools. 🧰

Week 4: Best Practices​

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Week 4 marks the final phase of our journey! This week is dedicated to the Best practices to ensure a seamless end-to-end dX (Developer Experience) while using Static Web Apps. Explore enhanced services such as BYOFunctions, Cognitive search, Azure Vision, Communication Services, etc. and learn from a real-life case study on how Static Web Apps helped deliver an effective and scalable solution for KlipTok, allowing the developer to seamlessly integrate additional Azure services to meet challenges and deliver a richer user experience(uX). πŸ˜„

Explore the various integrations and best practices articles here

Hope this is a long but fun journey! Do tell us about your SWA learning experience using #30DaysOfSWA! πŸ˜‰

Our Amazing Contributors​

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A series of this magnitude would not be possible without the support, time and efforts a number of people. This includes our amazing authors (listed here, in our kickoff post. Check out the tweet below to find them on Twitter, or follow the series on to find their profiles on that platform.


The tweet below has the Twitter profiles of the many authors who contributed to this series. Liked an article they wrote? Let them know - and follow them for more tech updates and content!

Next Steps​

This gave you a curated tour of Azure Static Web Apps in daily bites of content. Now it's your turn to take the journey forward. Join us tomorrow to learn about three key actions you can take to continue skilling up:

  • Learn: We'll share key documentation and tutorial links to skill up!
  • Share: Let's talk about the {where, what, how} of sharing your insights!
  • Contribute: Built a cool sample or real-world app? Showcase it to inspire others!

And thank you for staying the course with us!